Monday, March 06, 2006

Snow Is Fun

Well, snow isn't really all that fun at all. I mean, it was snowing this morning and now I've got to get home through the sleet and the slush. What do you mean it isn't snowing?! I'm looking right out the window! It's totally coming down like there's no tomorrow! It's not like I planned for this to happen. I tried to stop it from snowing. I called up the weather center, and I was all, "You need to stop snowing. You need to call up the president, and tell him to turn off the snow machine in Texas."

But they ignored my complaint, and now it's snowing cats and dogs. Scratch that. It rains cats and dogs. What does it snow? Goats? The problem I've seen with the weather is that what with global warming, nobody has time to just sit down and relax. Always running back and forth, never stopping to spray paint their mailboxes. And let me tell you, a mailbox won't paint itself. If it could, that would be awesome. But seriously, when a mailbox goes for years without being painted, it really starts to fade and look terrible. I've got this mailbox on my street that I seriously hate.

I saw it the other day, through the blizzard. It's Edmonde's mailbox, don't you know. A spitting image of an airplane, it stays motionless, staring up at each passerby with a cold, dead stare that is so common to airplane mailboxes. I really dislike being accosted by a mailbox in the shape of an airplane. It said some very hurtful things to me. Yes, I know how crazy that sounds. But I have a rare gift, the Gift of Gist, and I can hear the political opinions of mailboxes. And this one was no exception. It was ranting off on a tangent about how the flat tax pays for highways. I have no idea. I just got away from that accursed borough as fast as my locomotive system would propel me.

10 broke it down:

Blogger SignGurl verbatim:

If mailboxes have polical opinions, then do they also have party affiliations?

3/06/2006 4:39 PM  
Blogger SignGurl verbatim:

Make that poliTIcal opinions. Sheesh!

3/06/2006 4:40 PM  
Blogger wallycrawler verbatim:

I love going to the mailbox . Mine's not shaped like an airplane though but I'd love to have an airplane shaped mailbox . I always wondered is mailbox an oxymoron or is it just me ?

3/06/2006 5:33 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

Mailboxes all belong to the Reform party. Ross Perot really rallied them together. Then he betrayed them by going with Stockdale instead of a mailbox. If he'd gone with a mailbox, he would've had the votes. He would've had the votes.

An oxymoron is just an excuse not to call your grandparents. Other than that, I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to bring just a little bit of joy to the lives of anyone so downtrodden. A real cry and shame.

3/06/2006 6:04 PM  
Blogger Bathroom Hippo verbatim:


Did he get that thing I sent him?

3/06/2006 8:20 PM  
Blogger flatlander verbatim:

The only good mailbox is a dead one, that's what I say. That's why our basement is full of the corpses of local mailboxes. That's why they had to step up the neighbourhood watch program around here; because they wanted to catch the guy who was nabbing the mailboxes. You might have heard about all this on a recent episode of C.S.I.

Well now, let me tell you. It wasn't me. I have no idea how all those dead mailboxes in the basement got there. No idea at all.

3/06/2006 9:02 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

Dead mailboxes make for bad department store santas. I mean, come on! Are we supposed to believe that a mailbox in a fancy suit, especially a dead mailbox, could be the legendary Santa Claus?! Never! Not in a million years!

Santa Claus is a nonpermutable character of monumental proportions. You can't invent the wheel again. Reinvention is last century. Actually, it's very 15th century. This day is Stockdale's. Long live Stockdale! But he's dead, so long live the Empire! May the Force be with us.

3/06/2006 9:19 PM  
Blogger Elmo verbatim:

lVote for Elmo

3/06/2006 10:26 PM  
Blogger jungle jane verbatim:

i have replaced my mailbox with a dead pig. the mail is left up his little dead butt. he never needs painting.

3/08/2006 4:39 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

Dead pigs are made to be eaten, or burned forever in the fires of Abaddon. That's a real place, I assume. At least, that's what the Though Police told me after they sent me down the river for trying to dump industrial-strength Gist in the water supply. Why would I do that? Why not?

3/08/2006 9:57 PM  

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