Sunday, February 26, 2006

Clang Clang

Toot! The work bell ends for the day. But what was I doing the whole time, you ask? What? Why don't you ask me these things? Don't you realize that I do things each day that implicate you and anyone you come into contact with in major operations? I totally saw that coming, man. I went in today, into the Gist mill, and I walked right up to James Buchanan. I got all up in his face, and I was like, "You couldn't stop the civil war, so why should I give you my tax dollars?! I spend weeks writing Gist to keep people like you out of society!" And then I spit on his grave, the louse. 'Cause he died a hundred and fifty years ago.

People didn't live a long time back then. I remember it distinctly, since I'm over a hundred years old. I'm a memory. A remembrance. I remember the things that others forget on account of being morons or dead. You see, my friends, it wasn't always like it is now. I remember seeing this guy get torn in half by a dinosaur. Seriously. I was going to work one day, and this pterodactyl swoops out of the sky and rips this guy in half. It was the coolest thing I ever saw.

And then, a couple of years later, I was talking to Thomas Jefferson, and I was all like, "We need to concentrate power with the farmers. If we don't, they'll become influential primary voters and quench any kind of positive reform." He just stared at me and laughed. The man stuttered a lot, but that doesn't mean much to me. I mean, Porky Pig is funny, but it's a real problem for some people. Especially Thomas Jefferson. But I convinced him to start the Democratic Party. Then a few decades later, I convinced Abraham Lincoln to start the Republican Party, just to see 'em fight. I'm totally cool.

5 broke it down:

Blogger wallycrawler verbatim:

How did the Libertarian Party start ? Cause I think I'm one of those guys ?

2/27/2006 9:43 AM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

The Libertarian Party was just a dream I had back in the 24th century. But somehow, it was transported back in time, along with the idea for Star Trek and the concept of "Flex Time."

Originally, the Libertarian movement was supposed to concentrate on moving government officials with their minds. But it just got out of control.

2/27/2006 7:18 PM  
Blogger Elmo verbatim:

But it just got out of control.

Maybe you should have laid of the bong during those days. You must have been on the bong when parachute pants were in totally screwed me in 7th grade.

2/27/2006 8:46 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

7th grade is for children. The best grade is 10th. Don't question it; it just is. The evenness of the numbering, the sheer divisibility! I can't stress to you the importance of the number 10.

2/27/2006 9:28 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

I'm looking at Family Guy. It's a common misnomer, as it doesn't actually involve a family.

Wait. It does. But I don't consider Rhode Island a state in its own right. The technical name is "Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" or something like that. I can't stand a state that has such a long official name. It creeps me out.

2/28/2006 7:11 PM  

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