Monday, February 13, 2006

A Tome For The World

This post is totally not like the last one. The last one lacked the emotion and discipline common to the large variety of plants found outside my home. My home? You want to know where I live? I live anywhere I lay my head. I'm like the pioneers. They had no idea where they were going, but I do. I know exactly where I'm going because the pioneers went the same way hundreds of years ago.

But back then, all they had were knapsacks and gold and grandfather clocks. They completely lacked what we know recognize as the vast intellectual superiority of T1 information networks. I can count on one finger the number of pioneers who bravely and recklessly suggested switching to a high speed LAN. See, they had no idea of the wonders that we enjoy today. Medicine and heating oil were a mystery to them.

So the next time you see a 19th century pioneer just walking around on the streets, you gotta smack 'em upside the head and yell "you think it's fun to shoot buffalo?! They almost went extinct, you fool!" That'll teach 'em to keep making buffalo wings without the sauce. They should be ashamed to call themselves outdoorsmen, that's for sure.

4 broke it down:

Blogger SignGurl verbatim:

So the gist is that dial-up is going the way of the buffalo? Almost extinct but not quite.

2/13/2006 10:12 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

Unlike the buffaflo, which has since accrued enough population to warrant renewed hunting ferver, dial-up is fated to fall before the might of high speed broadband.

I totally dig it.

2/14/2006 10:09 AM  
Blogger Elmo verbatim:

That's it...I'm ditch'n dial-up. The gist has shown me the light! And, of course, the prices are more reasonable now. I should stop being lazy and just make the call

2/14/2006 10:29 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

Dial-up is the tool of small and powerless corporations. Be one with the elite.

That's what I keep telling the muzac fans, but they won't leave my limo alone. Fools, I say!

2/14/2006 10:32 PM  

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