Friday, February 10, 2006

It Takes A Bold Stand

Writing in bold reminds me of Colonel Chickenpox. Why couldn't he just leave well enough alone?! If he hadn't boldfaced, he'd still be captain of the flagship. But, the fool just had to insult me with his constant boldening. So I melted him.

You got a problem with that?! 'Cause I'll melt you too, man. I'll melt you into gold dust. That's what Colonel Chickenpox is, now, he's gold dust. I willed it, and it came to be. Maybe next time he'll think before he starts in with the hypertext tags. The fool.

Where was I? Oh, yes. The boldening. Don't go bold. Use italics, whenever possible. Boldface just cheapens your words. You'll never catch me boldening my words. Just italicize. And if you think it's spelled "italisise," you're dead wrong. Nobody spells it that way. I should know, I invented spellling. The Taker hast spaketh!

8 broke it down:

Blogger Calzone verbatim:

You cant melt me..why dont you step

2/10/2006 3:51 PM  
Blogger SignGurl verbatim:

"The Taker of th Jizz" has a better ring to it.

2/10/2006 5:18 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

Hey, Colonel Chickenpox had to go. The guy tried to stick me with a shiv he carved out of his own wooden pegleg.

2/10/2006 5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous verbatim:

Never is a long time.

I'll be watching...

2/10/2006 6:12 PM  
Blogger SignGurl verbatim:

Was it my bold face type that angered you?

2/10/2006 6:22 PM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

What I'm so sick of is people putting their text in bold. You wanna make a point, italicize. You don't see Shakespeare putting his King Lear in boldface. You don't see Bob Dylan ranting out his tunes in boldface!

That's why bold is old. Italics are the new pink. Hot metallic pink.

2/10/2006 6:44 PM  
Blogger Binty McShae verbatim:

Depends where you are... US italicize, UK italicise. But italisise is definitely wrong.

2/13/2006 5:34 AM  
Blogger The Taker of Gist verbatim:

That's what I keep saying! But do they listen to me?! No.

2/13/2006 3:48 PM  

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